Understanding logo design
A common question:
How much will a logo cost?
There is no one answer.
Questions I usually like to pose to a prospective client are:
What value do you place on the image you portray of your business?
How highly do you value your skills, expertise and the services or products you deliver to your customers?
And by “value” I don’t mean money, turnover or financial worth.
I mean, how important is it to show the company in a good light, to appear professional, trustworthy, capable?
How important is it that the company or organisation is represented in the best way possible, that customers or clients discover them?
Do they consider if their clients appreciate their knowledge and talents?
You need your company’s image, it’s brand, to show people what you are all about… and crucially, how good you are at it!
Your logo is often the first thing that someone will see of you, associate with you and your ethos, and hopefully recognise when they see it again.
It should be of a high quality, functional, usable, versatile and it should represent everything that is valued about you and your business.
The logo is just a part of your image
The logo should also be just a small part of a wider brand identity that may include colours, typefaces (fonts), graphics and imagery.
You may benefit from a closer look at your brand, assessment of the company’s current position in the market, determining goals and aspirations, understanding the vision for the future.
It’s important to know how and where your brand message, communicated to your target audience using your identity and logo, will be applied, both now and in the coming years.
These are all things to explore and expand upon before a logo and brand identity can be created to truly match your direction and values.
So, while a logo can be created cheaply and quickly, this is usually done without any understanding of the company, organisation or people that the logo will represent. Not an ideal approach.
As the brand grows it needs to have an image everyone can get behind, if it’s not done right, then will anyone really believe in it?
So, what does a logo cost if it’s created properly?
A well thought out approach and development of a brand identity can range from a few hundred pounds to many thousands.
It will all depend on your requirements, the scope and scale of your organisation and the future plans for your marketing and communications.
A smaller company may only need to make use of the logo on basic stationary, vehicles and business cards. Their future vision may be to simply continue as they are, with slow growth and minimal advertising.
While a larger organisation, with a plan for rapid expansion, targeting new markets and venturing in to new areas of industry, might require the development of a full company vision. They may benefit from a plan for the future of their brand, integration with sister brands or consideration for numerous outlets or marketing possibilities.
The scope can be vast, but throughout whatever your organisation does, everything you do should stay ‘on brand’ as much as possible.
You’ve probably heard that saying before and may think it doesn’t apply to you, but from the largest international companies, to the smallest of individual businesses, the consistency of the way in which your present yourself (your identity) is absolutely critical.
Your branding, identity and logo design
Do you need to launch your new company with a stunning and eye catching image?
Does your business need to rebrand, show everyone what its core values and ethos are and sell to a bigger market?
If you would like to discuss the future vision for your business, or the design of your company identity and logo, just contact me for a friendly chat to see what best suits you.
Enquire about branding and logos
A word of warning: Be careful of cheap logo websites
Read more about why you should be cautious when considering buying a cheap logo online.